Living in a tent can be a challenge, but it can be fun and here are some tips on making
things a little easier for you and your family.
Organize your tent, have a plan, and set rules. Make one end of the tent for sleeping bags, and the clothing for changes at the other end, allowing you to change at the entrance and not at the other end on the beds. If your tent has two doors, that will be easier as well. Place a carpet mat at the entrance (s) to keep out the trail dust, etc and help keep your tent cleaner.
Air mattresses are great for camping, sleeping on the ground is not good. The kids will probably enjoy sleeping in their sleeping bags, but for the adults, the air mattress is far better.
Lighting is very important, and now with the quality of a battery operated lamp, that would be good for the inside of the tent for short periods. For longer use, a gas lantern will certainly be more economical.
Sealable plastic bags are the best, for storing various small items , and will hold up to several camping trips, and you can view what items are stored there. Plastic bags are handy for storing snacks, crackers, cookies, etc. Also in the coolers, plastic bags are good to use to seal food for storing, preventing the food getting wet.
In the event you are taking your dog, there are a number of items you should take along for his or her comfort. There are sleeping bags for dogs as well, they come in various sizes to fit your dog. Be sure to include first-aid kit items for the dog and the family, in case of injuries, insect bites, etc. Include in the first-aid items, insect repellent, for times you meet up with mosquitoes or such. For the dog, take his immunization record, especially the rabies shot information, in case you need to show he is protected. His collar should have a tag containing phone number, and name and address of his owner.
Happy camping.....
things a little easier for you and your family.
Organize your tent, have a plan, and set rules. Make one end of the tent for sleeping bags, and the clothing for changes at the other end, allowing you to change at the entrance and not at the other end on the beds. If your tent has two doors, that will be easier as well. Place a carpet mat at the entrance (s) to keep out the trail dust, etc and help keep your tent cleaner.
Air mattresses are great for camping, sleeping on the ground is not good. The kids will probably enjoy sleeping in their sleeping bags, but for the adults, the air mattress is far better.
Lighting is very important, and now with the quality of a battery operated lamp, that would be good for the inside of the tent for short periods. For longer use, a gas lantern will certainly be more economical.
Sealable plastic bags are the best, for storing various small items , and will hold up to several camping trips, and you can view what items are stored there. Plastic bags are handy for storing snacks, crackers, cookies, etc. Also in the coolers, plastic bags are good to use to seal food for storing, preventing the food getting wet.
In the event you are taking your dog, there are a number of items you should take along for his or her comfort. There are sleeping bags for dogs as well, they come in various sizes to fit your dog. Be sure to include first-aid kit items for the dog and the family, in case of injuries, insect bites, etc. Include in the first-aid items, insect repellent, for times you meet up with mosquitoes or such. For the dog, take his immunization record, especially the rabies shot information, in case you need to show he is protected. His collar should have a tag containing phone number, and name and address of his owner.
Happy camping.....
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